September Spotlight Member
Chris is this months spotlight member!!! She is a very sweet and totally talented lady!!!!
Here is what Chris had to say!
Hey there! I’m Chris and I’m addicted to scrapbooking! Is there anyone out there who isn’t? I have been paper scrapping for about 6 years. About a year ago I added digital scrapping to my habits. I love that I get to scrap my favorite photos at least twice now – once for the paper albums and once in digi “just because I can.” I also love that I can print my digital files to use in hybrid projects. I am a technique junkie – I love to try new techniques. If I like one I may use it again, but quite often I’ll just move on to a different technique. I also collect scrapbooking supplies and tools. I have enough paper to last until the next century, but I keep buying more! And if a new tool comes on the market, I need to try it out and probably buy it. I think that comes from the teacher in me – I love to be able to explain my experiences with different products to people who ask. I enjoy teaching and have written many “how to” instructions for online scrapbooking sites. I am co-owner of one site and on the Review Team for another. I am also on the Creative Team for two different online digital scrapbooking sites. I have been married to DH for 18 years. We have one son, 17 and a senior in High School (how did THAT happen???). We have 3 fur babies – a dog and two cats. I love nature and the outdoors, reading and crafting (yes, there are other crafts besides scrapbooking!). And of course I love to hang out at the Kloset with an awesomely talented group of scrappers (I would say ladies, but we do have a man in our midst!).